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VZM News Archive


Rookie Jaap van Emmerik wins 2023 Dutch Aviation Open
September 2023

Tuesday September 12, 2023 turned out to be a nice although quite warm day for the 23rd edition of the VZM Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament.

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Improving the lease aircraft transfer
July 2023

Many aircraft lease transfers struggle with keeping the complex process under control. 

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VZM will attend the MRO Conference in Amsterdam
July 2023

In October VZM members will attend the MRO conference in Amsterdam.

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The air transport industry faces a plethora of risks
March 2023

After dealing with the direct impact of corona the aviation sector must now contend with the indirect impact, supply line constrains and shortages, compounded by the effects of the ongoing conflict in the Ukraine.

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VZM co-founder Hans Zuidema passed away
March 2023

It is with deepest regret we inform you that Hans Zuidema passed away on March 9. He was 76 years old.

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Expanding customer base and VZM events back in 2022
January 2023

The best news of 2022 is of course the end of corona restrictions at most places in the world and a start of the recovery of the airline industry.

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Han Dieke with fond memories of Hans Minnee wins the trophy
September 2022
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VZM confident about 22nd Dutch Aviation Open
July 2022

Two years in a row VZM was unable to organize their golf tournament due to the corona pandemic.

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Industry challenges discussed during 15th VZM Diversium
June 2022

At the June 16 Diversium industry leaders discussed the challenges they are facing and how to cope with them.

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2021 a solid year for VZM despite corona
January 2022

2021 was the second year in a row that the world and the aviation industry was heavily impacted by corona related restrictions.

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25 years VZM Management Services
November 2021

25 years ago, in December 1996 Marcel Versteeg, Hans Zuidema, and Hans Minnee launched VZM Management Services. In 2003 the company expanded with a US branch when Bob Gaerttner joined the team. Unfortunately, that same year Hans Minnee passed away.

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2021 VZM “Dutch Aviation Open” cancelled
August 2021

Unfortunately, once again VZM was forced to cancel the 21st VZM “Dutch Aviation Open” golf tournament on September 14.

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Successful session discussing the industry’s future
June 2021

As follow-up of the VZM Market Outlook 2021, VZM organized an online session with 9 senior leaders from the aviation industry at the end of May.

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VZM elaborates Market Outlook scenarios in MRO Management
May 2021

MRO Management of May 2021 includes the article How will the industry evolve from 2022 onwards? in which VZM elaborates the scenarios described in the VZM Market Outlook 2021.

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How will the industry evolve from 2022 onwards?
March 2021

We are in the middle of a global pandemic which is having a devastating impact on the aviation industry. Exiting the Great Lockdown is surrounded by many uncertainties.

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VZM moved to Hoofddorp, the Netherlands
January 2021

At the end of 2020 VZM moved from Sassenheim to become a company registered in Hoofddorp, The Netherlands.

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VZM support customers with the Great Lockdown recovery
November 2020

In past half year VZM has been able to support its customers to cope with the challenging times.

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Ron van der Meulen takes his time to win the trophy
October 2019

On September 10, Ron van der Meulen participated for the 19th time in VZM’s Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament. In a flight taking six hours and 45 minutes, he finally succeeded to win the Hans Minnee Challenge Trophy.

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Successful VZM Diversium about effects of supplier consolidation
June 2019

Strong market growth in recent years has exacerbated the capacity constraints such as labor shortages and part supply hick-ups. Issues that need to be addressed now as it will hinder future MRO activity and growth.

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VZM 2019 Market Outlook: strong industry growth exacerbates capacity constraints
March 2019

We may be in the midst of a golden age for the airline industry be it in terms of aircraft production orders and backlogs or maintenance needs.

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2018 slower due to VZM team changes
January 2019

With the departure of two of its team members the VZM team was significant smaller during most of 2018. This resulted in less activities and projects performed by VZM.

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Ton van Deursen wins edition 20 of VZM Dutch Aviation Open
October 2018

For many years Ton hoped to become the winner of this Hans Minnee Challenge Trophy.

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Johan Bank and Steve Williams start at VZM Management Services
September 2018

Two new members have joined the VZM Management Services team on September 1, 2018: Johan Bank and Steve Williams.

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Successful VZM Diversium about effects of supplier consolidation
July 2018

With increased consolidation of the suppliers in the commercial aviation market the risk might be that service will deteriorate as the dominance of these consolidating suppliers increases and their organizations are becoming very complex.

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Bullish economy, thriving industry, but uncertainties remain in VZM’s 2018 Market Outlook
March 2018

Despite a bullish economy, the global uncertainties remain high with increased geopolitical tensions, protectionism on the rise, and political risks in Europe.

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Changes in the VZM team
March 2018

In the first quarter of 2018 the VZM team is to change as Theo Hermans and Andreas Reichert are retiring from VZM.

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2017 in top five of 21-year VZM history
January 2018

Once more VZM Management Services closed a year with positive results. 2017 turned out to be one of the five best years in the 21-year history of the company. 

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Steve Williams wins 2017 tournament with record score
October 2017

After having to play on the hottest second Tuesday of September last year, the participants were happy the temperatures were lower this time. With only a few minutes of light shower before the match started, September 12, 2017 turned out the be a near-perfect day for golf for the group of 45 participants of the 19th VZM Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament. 

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VZM: European MRO challenges and opportunities
August 2017

Last month VZM contributed to the Aviation Maintenance article “European MRO: Challenges Mount But Opportunities Remain.” Following some excerpts from the article.

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VZM 17th Market Outlook about aviation in a new and uncertain world
March 2017

We have embarked on an uncertain era as new leadership in Britain and the US is reassessing its role on the international stage. 

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VZM team expending in successful 2016
January 2017

In 2016 the VZM team was expanded with the start of Andreas Reichert in September.

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12th VZM Diversium on how airlines can control their maintenance costs
December 2016

In a market with new technologies, increased dominance of OEMs in aftermarket and Big Data, how can airlines reduce and control their costs and how can suppliers help?

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Robert Rijnsburger delighted to win the 2016 VZM tournament
October 2016

On September 13, 2016 once more contenders gathered at the Nunspeetse Golf & Country Club on the hottest second Tuesday in September ever recorded to compete at VZM’s Dutch Aviation Open. The maximum temperature measured that afternoon came close to the winning score of 34 as achieved by Robert Rijnsburger.

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Andreas Reichert starts at VZM Management Services
September 2016

On September 1, 2016, Andreas Reichert became the latest member of the VZM Team in Europe. Before joining VZM he was COO at Haitec Aircraft Maintenance GmbH, an independent Line and Base Maintenance MRO with bases at Hahn and Erfurt airport in Germany.

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Another excellent year for VZM
January 2016

2015 proved to be another excellent year for VZM Management Services with a slightly increased turnover compared to the year before.

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Arian van der Werff amazed to win 2015 VZM tournament
October 2015

When asked how he has played Arian van der Werff answered: “Like the previous years, some very good scores, while other holes very bad.” Less than half an hour later he was amazed being the winner of the 2015 edition of the VZM Dutch Aviation Open

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Next VZM Dutch Aviation Golf Tournament on September 8
July 2015

On September 8 VZM will organize the 17th edition for the Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament.

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Slashed oil prices effects in VZM’s 2015 Market Outlook
March 2015

The biggest surprise of 2014 was the collapsing oil price, which was slashed by half thanks to an increase of supply. Prospects are that prices will increase slowly to USD 70 in the next two years.

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Well attended Diversium on airline maintenance consolidation
February 2015

In the last couple of years several airlines groups started to consolidate the maintenance within the group. They showed that there is significant cost saving potential in consolidating the maintenance up to 13%.

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Leo van Rijn successfully defends his title at 2014 tournament
October 2014

Leo van Rijn will be the proud possessor of the Hans Minnee Challenge Trophy for one more year. On September 9 he managed to end first again during the 16th edition of the VZM Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament.

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VZM organized a successful Diversium on component business
October 2014

In September VZM organized a Diversium for one of its customers about the topic Is there still a future for legacy aircraft component maintenance?

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VZM Dutch Aviation Golf Tournament on September 9
July 2014

This year VZM organizes the 16th edition of the Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament on September 9. 

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VZM website now adapted for smart phones
June 2014

The VZM website has been upgraded and is now adapted for smart phones and tablets.

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VZM Market Outlook 2014: profits up and records broken
March 2014

Gradually the world economy is turning a corner following the Great Recession which started in 2007 with the demise of Lehman Brothers.

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2013 excellent year with new team
January 2014
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Leo van Rijn happy winner of 2013 golf tournament
October 2013

Leo van Rijn was clearly having his day when participating in the 15th edition of the VZM Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament on September 10.

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VZM Team expands with René van Doorn
September 2013

From September 2013 onwards René van Doorn joins the VZM Team in Europe. 

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15th VZM Dutch Aviation Golf Tournament
July 2013

On September 14, 1999 the first Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament was played at the Houtrak. This year will see the 15th edition of this very popular golf event organized by VZM Management Services for its customers and relations.

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VZM Market Outlook 2013: a struggling Europe in growing market
March 2013

Europe is facing another recession that puts more pressure on the legacy carriers to transform in order to compete with the Low Cost Carriers.

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After 16 years co-founder Hans Zuidema retires
January 2013

In 1996 Hans Zuidema together with Hans Minnee and Marcel Versteeg started the interim-management and consultancy VZM Management Services. At the end of 2012 Hans decided it was time to retire after 16 very successful years at VZM.

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Ronald van den Bergh back as VZM team member
January 2013

After little over two years absence Ronald van den Bergh joined the VZM team again at the start of 2013. In the last five months he was already part-time working as associate assisting VZM at one of the support projects.

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2012 was one of the best years for VZM
January 2013

After someone slower start 2012 turned out to be one of the best years in the history of VZM. The majority of the activities took place in Sweden and France.

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A great day of golf with Kevin Wall being the winner
October 2012

After a wet start the weather improved rapidly and made this day an excellent golf tournament again.

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VZM Diversium about outsourcing
July 2012

Nowadays outsourcing maintenance is part of the business model for most airlines. But have we found the optimum outsource strategy yet? And what will be the effect of the latest generation of aircraft be?

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September 11: fourteenth VZM Dutch Aviation Open
June 2012

On September 11 VZM Management Services will host the fourteenth edition of the “Dutch Aviation Open” golf tournament.

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Easier search for archived interesting articles
April 2012

To make it easier to find an interesting article which has been mentioned on our website in the past we have sorted them in seven categories on our Article Archive page. 

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VZM Market Outlook 2012: from crisis to crisis?
March 2012

Since 2008 we have gone from one crisis to another and the near future is once again uncertain thanks to the unresolved European debt crisis and increasing tensions with Iran raising oil prices. Therefore, the next few years will bring a lot of challenges for both the airline and the MRO industry.

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Another excellent year in 15 year VZM history
January 2012

2011 was another excellent year for VZM Management Services. Revenues did grow once more, ranking 2011 in the top three of the 15 year VZM history.

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Sunny day good for high scores and winner Grégory Jamet
October 2011

After a exceptionally wet tournament the year before, this year's edition of the VZM Dutch Aviation Open Golf Tournament was on a splendid day with sunshine and a very nice temperature.

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Next Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament on September 13
June 2011

VZM Management Services will host on September 13 the next edition of the Dutch Aviation Open” golf tournament at the golf course ‘Rijk van Nunspeet’ in The Netherlands. 

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Ron van Manen leaves to join EU’s Clean Sky Joint Undertaking
June 2011

Ron van Manen has joined the EU Clean Sky Joint Undertaking as the Program's Technology Evaluation Officer per June 1, 2011.

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Market Outlook 2011: robust growth with many uncertainties
March 2011

2010 brought light to the end of the recessionary tunnel. Financial markets calmed, modest growth returned, and airline revenues and yields perked up. 

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2010: a profitable year with a changing team
January 2011

In 2010 VZM Management Services saw several changes of the VZM team. Early in the year Theo Hermans joined the team, later followed by Ron van Manen.

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VZM back in Sweden supporting Skyways
December 2010

After more than 11 years VZM is back in Sweden supporting Avia Express Sweden, using the Skyways brand.

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VZM Market Outlook 2010: return of optimism, but still challenges
October 2010

In 2009 we went through a worldwide recession, which hit nearly all areas of the aviation industry. Optimism is returning in 2010 with positive expectations for the economy and recovering trends for many businesses.

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In the wet Frans de Vries turns out the winner
October 2010

Frans the Vries is extremely proud and honored to be this year's winner of the Hans Minnee Challenge Trophy 2010. It came totally as a surprise. "Looking back things felt right as from the start."

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VZM Team expands with Ron van Manen
July 2010

This month Ron van Manen joins the VZM Team in Europe. Ron spent over 20 years in executive roles in aerospace and aviation. His last position was Managing Director (VP/GM), Aerospace Consulting Division at Qinetiq.

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VZM Diversium on future of Aircraft Maintenance
June 2010

Modern aircraft have much lower maintenance needs than previous generations. This makes equalized maintenance concepts more attractive, which will change the future of the aircraft maintenance businesses. 

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12th Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament
June 2010

VZM Management Services will host on September 14 the twelfth edition of the Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament at the golf course ‘Rijk van Nunspeet’ in The Netherlands.

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Theo Hermans joins VZM Management Team
March 2010

Theo Hermans has recently joined the VZM Management Team. He started his career 25 years ago at KLM Engineering & Maintenance where he served in the marketing & sales organization and was a 747 Heavy Maintenance Project Manager.

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Despite recession 2009 on target for VZM Management Services
January 2010

The recession was all over us in 2009, turning the aviation industry deep in the red. Therefore, VZM Management Services is happy its 13th year in business turned out to be profitable and on target. Compared to 2008 last year was even better.

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VZM Diversium on where to cut costs further
June 2009

On June 3, VZM Management Services hosted another Diversium, this time around the topic Are there any costs left to cut? Senior leaders from airlines, MROs, OEMs, part suppliers and other industry suppliers on what possibilities there still are to reduce costs.

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11th Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament
June 2009

VZM Management Services will host on September 8 the eleventh edition of the Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament. Once more this event will take place at the golf course ‘Rijk van Nunspeet’ in The Netherlands.

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VZM Market Outlook 2009: Think in terms of scenarios and be flexible
March 2009

What started as subprime troubles in the summer of 2007 has in the mean time turned into a deep worldwide recession. Forecasts have rapidly declined since the autumn of 2008 and are still going down at this moment.

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Onno Pietersma clear winner 2009
January 2009

On the hottest day of the week – a tradition by now – the participants of the eleventh Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament did tee off just after one o’clock on September 8.

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One more profitable year for VZM Management Services
January 2009

The twelfth year of VZM Management Services turned out to be another profitable year with record braking revenues in the first half of 2008. Typical projects for this year were developing a reorganization plan for an independent MRO ...

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