VZM Management Services


For more news see VZM News Archive

VZM will attend the MRO Conference in Barcelona
July 2024

In October VZM members will attend the MRO conference in Barcelona. We will be delighted to meet briefly with you for general discussions. If you want to make meeting arrangements, just give us a call or send us an e-mail.


Aviation industry is heating up amid hot spots and shortages
March 2024

The aviation industry is heating up having left the pandemic behind it as passenger demand is increasing as well as its profits. However, rising geopolitical tensions and instabilities increase risks as presently more than 110 armed conflicts exist where several are impacting the airline industry.

In our VZM Market Outlook 2024 for commercial aviation & maintenance we discuss the economic developments, the volatile cargo market, the growing demand for aircraft and aftermarket support.

Profitability may today be the name of the game, but higher costs across the board dampen ROIC performances for many a player. However, putting people first may prove to be their most effective return on time invested as it allows airlines, cargo operators and MROs to maintain or even improve their competitive edge.

We hope you enjoy this 24th edition and look forward to your feedback and comments. Electronic copies of the Outlook along with other VZM publications are freely available to subscribers of the VZM website at the Info Center. If you are not a subscriber, simply click the "subscriptions" link at the top of this website. Subscription is free of charge and without obligation.


2023 was good for business, but sad loss of co-founder
January 2024

The year 2023 was one of the best in the last five year for VZM Management Services. Several new support projects were launched with existing customers. The repeat business shows that VZM has a good reputation with the companies they have supported in the past.

Participants at the VZM 2023 Dutch Aviation Open golf tournamentBoth events hosted by VZM in September were well appreciated by the participants. First the Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament. And at the end of the month the Diversium Is the aviation industry capable of really putting people first? While in March VZM published its 23rd Market Outlook.

Unfortunately, in March Hans Zuidema, co-founder of VZM Management Services past away. He was a well appreciated by customers, business relations and colleagues.


Diversium participants discuss how to be attractive for people
October 2023

The aviation industry’s future is clouded by staff shortages, which means the industry needs to become smarter attracting and retaining people and value them as real assets. This was the main topic of the 16th Diversium VZM organized end of September with leaders from the industry. Ton van Deursen, founder and CEO of JetSupport presented his view on the subject as start of the discussions.

A summary of the discussions of the VZM Diversium Is the aviation industry capable of really putting people first? can found on the VZM Publications page.


Rookie Jaap van Emmerik wins 2023 Dutch Aviation Open
September 2023

Tuesday September 12, 2023 turned out to be a nice although quite warm day for the 23rd edition of the VZM Dutch Aviation Open golf tournament. The pleasant conditions helped the participants to have high scores once again, like the ones in 2018. A score of 38 Stableford points was only good for third place. With 40 points, first time participant Jaap van Emmerik was this year’s winner of the Hans Minnee Challenge Trophy.

2023 participants Dutch Aviation OpenInga Duglas scored just one point better than Mandeep Rana and won the clinic competition.

Based on the reactions of the participants it was again a great day for golf and networking. Still, it was a special edition as it was the first time Hans Zuidema, the cofounder of VZM Management Services was not attending as he had passed away earlier in the year.

Visit the Dutch Aviation Open page to view photos, find all scores and read more about this year's tournament.


Improving the lease aircraft transfer
July 2023

Many aircraft lease transfers struggle with keeping the complex process under control. Quite often the lessor and lessee are dissatisfied with the outcome, while the MRO – often in the middle – suffers too.

Based on its experience, VZM issued a short publication analyzing the problem and identifying the key solution areas. You can read it by clicking here. You will also find it on the VZM website at the Info Center.