Europe is facing another recession that puts more pressure on the legacy carriers to transform in order to compete with the Low Cost Carriers. In the US the landscape is further changing with the merger of AMR and US Airways, leaving only four major airlines. At the same time China remains the growth engine for the BRIC countries and world economy in coming years. Airlines in BRIC countries are, along with the top three Middle East airlines, among the fastest growing and most flourishing, with exception of the Indian airline industry.
In our VZM Market Outlook 2013 for commercial aviation & maintenance we discuss latest developments in these economies and the airline industry, for which IATA adjusted the expected profits upwards despite oil prices remaining near record high. The industry also fears OEM dominance in the growing global MRO market. Europe and North America show the slowest growth, while the strengthening Middle Eastern MROs are increasing worldwide competition. In this transforming commercial aviation and maintenance market, inevitably streamlining and merging organizations are key issues.
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