In 2009 we went through a worldwide recession, which hit nearly all areas of the aviation industry. Optimism is returning in 2010 with positive expectations for the economy and recovering trends for many businesses. However many fundamental issues triggering the recession have not really been corrected. Therefore a double-dip recession cannot be excluded at this time with all kinds of dramatic effects for our industry.
In this 10th edition of the VZM Commercial Aviation & Maintenance Market Outlook we walk you through the present trends as well as discuss what will happen in that alternative scenario of a double-dip recession. We encourage the reader to think about the effects of each scenario for their business, realizing forecasting is no exact science. Whatever the actual developments, it is clear that the world is changing, holding all kind of threats while also creating new opportunities for businesses at the same time.
The Outlook is freely accessible for all subscribers to the VZM site in PDF format through our VZM Publications page. Subscription is free of charge and without any obligations. To become a subscriber of the VZM site and to have access to our Outlook simply click the Subscribe-link.
A hardcopy is available on request.